This small kingdom has some surprisingly lovely landscapes. The Wallonian Ardennes region in the southeast is most famous among hikers, with its densely wooded river valleys and farm lands higher up on the undulating plateaus. In the northeast are the mysterious Hautes Fagnes, an upland plain of peat moors, partly in the Ardennes and partly in the Eifel region, and now a nature reserve that offers stunning beauty in all seasons. The north and west of Belgium, known as Flanders, is mostly low flat countryside, but nonetheless traversed by a myriad of long distance hiking trails, some of which lead through historic towns like Bruges and Ghent.
The majority of Belgian long distance hiking trails are known as GR's, a conveniently bi-lingual abbreviation of Grande Randonnees (French) or Grote Routepaden (Dutch). European long distance trails E2, E3 and E9 all lead through Belgium, and coincide with GR's.
Along the GR's, small hotels, B&B's and camping sites can be found in almost every village or town. Walking Belgium is a fun experience, frequently taking you back in time to what appears to be some older version of Europe. The often somewhat ramshackle towns, quaint shops and cafe's, old-fashioned politeness, excellent food and beer, there is simply no hurry to modernize, just live for the moment.
- DijlelandGPX
- GB - Gaume Buissonière
- GR12 - Amsterdam - ParisGPX
- GR121 - Wavre - BoulogneGPX
- GR122 - ScheldelandGPX
- GR123 - Tour du Hainaut occidentalGPX
- GR125 - Tour de l'Entre-Sambre-et-MeuseGPX
- GR126 - Brussel-Namen-Membre sur SamoisGPX
- GR128 - VlaanderenrouteGPX
- GR129 - Dwars door BelgiëGPX
- GR130 - IJzerGPX
- GR131 - Kreken - IeperboogGPX
- GR14 - Sentier de l'ArdenneGPX
- GR15 - AE - Ardennes-EifelGPX
- GR16 - Sentier de la SemoisGPX
- GR412 - Sentier des TerrilsGPX
- GR512 - Vlaams BrabantGPX
- GR56 - Hautes Fagnes - EifelGPX
- GR561 - Kempen-MaaspadGPX
- GR563 - Tour du Pays de HerveGPX
- GR564 - Kempen - CondrozGPX
- GR565 - Renier SniederspadGPX
- GR57 - Vallée de l'OurtheGPX
- GR570 - Pays des Trois FrontièresGPX
- GR571 - Vallées des LégendesGPX
- GR573 - Hautes FagnesGPX
- GR575 - Tour du Condroz NamuroisGPX
- GR576 - Tour du Condroz LiégeoisGPX
- GR577 - Tour de la FamenneGPX
- GR579 - Brussels - LiègeGPX
- GR5a - Wandelronde van VlaanderenGPX
- GrenslandpadGPX
- Groene GordelGPX
- HagelandGPX
- HeuvellandGPX
- KempenGPX
- Kempen-BroekGPX
- Mol OmGPX
- ReynaertlandGPX
- Rhine-Meuse Trail
- Santiago de Compostela Pilgrims WayGPX
- Tour de la Vesdre
- Tour du Brabant WallonGPX
- Transardense Route
- UilenspiegelpadGPX
- Via ArduinnaGPX
- Via BrabanticaGPX
- Via BrugensisGPX
- Via Gallia BelgicaGPX
- Via LimburgicaGPX
- Via MonasticaGPX
- Via MosanaGPX
- Via ScaldeaGPX
- Via Thiérache
- Vlaamse ArdennenGPX
Guides and maps
Tour operators

- Reisgids Waterloo & Beyond | Bradt Travel Guides
- Two hundred years after the battle, the area around Waterloo is a lovely landscape of rolling farmland containing dozens of key sites, memorials and monuments to discover. But the Waterloo region offers far more than just a battlefield. A wealth of sights beckons the curious tourist, including the historic town of Nivelles with its towering... Read more

- Übersetzung
- Die Konstanten und Veränderungen in Tätigkeit und Selbstverständnis von Übersetzern und Philologen stehen im Zentrum dieses Bands. Es diskutierten Vertreter der Übersetzungswissenschaft, der mittellateinischen, romanischen und germanistischen Sprach- bzw. Literaturwissenschaft. Die Themen reichen von der Übersetzungsleistung der ersten Glossen... Read more
- Also available from:
-, Belgium

- Übersetzung
- Die Konstanten und Veränderungen in Tätigkeit und Selbstverständnis von Übersetzern und Philologen stehen im Zentrum dieses Bands. Es diskutierten Vertreter der Übersetzungswissenschaft, der mittellateinischen, romanischen und germanistischen Sprach- bzw. Literaturwissenschaft. Die Themen reichen von der Übersetzungsleistung der ersten Glossen... Read more

- Wandelgids Escarpardenne Eisleck Trail | Grande Traversee Ardennes
- Escapardenne Eisleck Trail loopt over 104 km van Kautenbach naar La-Roche-en-Ardenne door een schitterend deel van de Ardennen. Een nieuw langeafstandspad dat het Groothertogdom Luxemburg verbindt met de Waalse provincie Luxemburg. Grensoverschrijdend dus en niet alleen letterlijk! Dit is het eerste wandelpad in de Benelux dat werd ontworpen... Read more

- time to momo - Brugge
- Dit is de vernieuwde versie van de 100% Brugge-gids! Jij gaat Brugge ontdekken! Hoewel Brugge een kleine stad is, is er meer dan genoeg te beleven. De binnenstad is een verzameling van sfeervolle pleinen, oude straten en prachtige gevels. Geniet van een Brugse Zot op een terrasje langs het water, beklim het Belfort en maak een boottochtje op de... Read more
- Also available from:
-, Belgium

- time to momo - Brugge
- Dit is de vernieuwde versie van de 100% Brugge-gids! Jij gaat Brugge ontdekken! Hoewel Brugge een kleine stad is, is er meer dan genoeg te beleven. De binnenstad is een verzameling van sfeervolle pleinen, oude straten en prachtige gevels. Geniet van een Brugse Zot op een terrasje langs het water, beklim het Belfort en maak een boottochtje op de... Read more

- MN Europa El Balad
- These are notes written by Egyptian travelers; travelers who have not reached their destinations yet These travelers believe that life is not measured by the number of years you live, but by the depth and value of the feelings and experiences that people go through. These travelers trotted through Germany, Canada, Belgium, America, Somalia,... Read more
- Also available from:
-, Belgium

- MN Europa El Balad
- These are notes written by Egyptian travelers; travelers who have not reached their destinations yet These travelers believe that life is not measured by the number of years you live, but by the depth and value of the feelings and experiences that people go through. These travelers trotted through Germany, Canada, Belgium, America, Somalia,... Read more

- Reisgids Travel guides Northern Belgium | Bradt Travel Guides
- Northern Belgium ab 17.49 EURO Flanders with Brussels, Bruges, Ghent and Antwerp The Bradt Travel Guide. 2nd Revised edition Read more

- Wandelgids 575/576 A Travers le Condroz GR 575- GR 576 | GR Sentiers
- De 2 GR's, GR 575 Naamse Condroz en GR 576 Luikse Condroz, bestonden al langer, maar werden helemaal vernieuwd en samengevoegd in één gids. Het traject is 300 km lang. De route brengt je langs vele mooie dorpen met een steeds afwisselend landschap. Voorzien van veel praktische informatie en uitstekende topografische kaarten. Read more

- Reisgids Historische Route De Slag om Ieper | Uitgeverij Elmar
- Bij een bezoek aan de voormalige slagvelden van de Westhoek en vooral in de omgeving van Ieper is de waan van deze oorlog nog steeds beklemmend aanwezig. Het is nauwelijks te bevatten welke gruwelen de jonge mannen van beide strijdende partijen moesten ondergaan op het slagveld, rondkruipend in de modder en de drek onder bijna voortdurende... Read more

United Kingdom
- Dilbeek NGI Topo 31/1-2
- Topographical survey of Belgium at 1:20,000 from Nationaal Geografisch Instituut / Institut Géographique National, the country’s national survey organization. Each 20K map covers one quarter of the corresponding 1:50,000 map (with adjustments in the border and coastal areas). The maps provide all the information expected of topographic mapping... Read more
- Also available from:
- De Zwerver, Netherlands

United Kingdom
- Izegem NGI Topo 21/5-6
- Topographical survey of Belgium at 1:20,000 from Nationaal Geografisch Instituut / Institut Géographique National, the country’s national survey organization. Each 20K map covers one quarter of the corresponding 1:50,000 map (with adjustments in the border and coastal areas). The maps provide all the information expected of topographic mapping... Read more

United Kingdom
- Redu Mini-Ardenne
- Ardennes Recreational Maps at a scale of 1:25,000 enable you to discover the Ardennes from junction to junction, each associated with a locality, through a network of hiking, cycling or riding paths. The network of mini walks consists of suggested routes with kilometre distance marked showing field boundaries and urbanised built up areas.... Read more
- Also available from:
- De Zwerver, Netherlands

- Wandelkaart 18 Redu | Mini-Ardenne
- Handige overzichtelijke wandelkaart op een schaal van 1:25.000 van een deel van de Ardennen. In deze kaartenserie hebben de makers gekozen voor een belangrijke toeristische plaats als basis van de kaart. Naast een groot aantal ingetekende wandelroutes en paden met markering en knooppunten staan er ook toeristische bezienswaardigheden op en... Read more

United Kingdom
- Sankt Vith - Amel /Ambleve
- Topographical survey of Belgium at 1:20,000 from Nationaal Geografisch Instituut / Institut Géographique National, the country’s national survey organization. Each 20K map covers one quarter of the corresponding 1:50,000 map (with adjustments in the border and coastal areas). The maps provide all the information expected of topographic mapping... Read more

United Kingdom
- Waterloo NGI Topo 39/3-4 - Battle of Waterloo Area
- Waterloo - Lanse, map No. 39/3-4 in the topographic survey of Belgium at 1:20,000 covering the main area of the Battle of Waterloo on 18th June 1815 including the Mont St-Jean escarpment, the Lion’s Mound (Lion’s Hillock) and the museum. Although not specifically designed to highlight locations connected with the Battle of Waterloo, the map... Read more
- Also available from:
- De Zwerver, Netherlands

United Kingdom
- Kalmthout NGI Topo 7/3-4
- Topographical survey of Belgium at 1:20,000 from Nationaal Geografisch Instituut / Institut Géographique National, the country’s national survey organization. Each 20K map covers one quarter of the corresponding 1:50,000 map (with adjustments in the border and coastal areas). The maps provide all the information expected of topographic mapping... Read more
- Also available from:
- De Zwerver, Netherlands

- Wandelkaart - Topografische kaart 7/3-4 Topo25 Essenhoek - Kalmthout | NGI - Nationaal Geografisch Instituut
- Topographical survey of Belgium at 1:20,000 from Nationaal Geografisch Instituut / Institut Géographique National, the country’s national survey organization. Each 20K map covers one quarter of the corresponding 1:50,000 map (with adjustments in the border and coastal areas). The maps provide all the information expected of topographic mapping... Read more

United Kingdom
- Haacht NGI Topo 24/5-6
- Topographical survey of Belgium at 1:20,000 from Nationaal Geografisch Instituut / Institut Géographique National, the country’s national survey organization. Each 20K map covers one quarter of the corresponding 1:50,000 map (with adjustments in the border and coastal areas). The maps provide all the information expected of topographic mapping... Read more
- Also available from:
- De Zwerver, Netherlands

United Kingdom
- Zandhoven NGI Topo 16/1-2
- Topographical survey of Belgium at 1:20,000 from Nationaal Geografisch Instituut / Institut Géographique National, the country’s national survey organization. Each 20K map covers one quarter of the corresponding 1:50,000 map (with adjustments in the border and coastal areas). The maps provide all the information expected of topographic mapping... Read more
- Also available from:
- De Zwerver, Netherlands

- Wandelkaart - Topografische kaart 16/1-2 Topo25 Schilde - Zandhoven | NGI - Nationaal Geografisch Instituut
- Topographical survey of Belgium at 1:20,000 from Nationaal Geografisch Instituut / Institut Géographique National, the country’s national survey organization. Each 20K map covers one quarter of the corresponding 1:50,000 map (with adjustments in the border and coastal areas). The maps provide all the information expected of topographic mapping... Read more

United Kingdom
- Gemmenich - Botzelaar
- Topographical survey of Belgium at 1:20,000 from Nationaal Geografisch Instituut / Institut Géographique National, the country’s national survey organization. Each 20K map covers one quarter of the corresponding 1:50,000 map (with adjustments in the border and coastal areas). The maps provide all the information expected of topographic mapping... Read more

United Kingdom
- Ans - Liège 20K NGI Belgium Survey Map No. 42/1-2
- Topographical survey of Belgium at 1:20,000 from Nationaal Geografisch Instituut / Institut Géographique National, the country’s national survey organization. Each 20K map covers one quarter of the corresponding 1:50,000 map (with adjustments in the border and coastal areas). The maps provide all the information expected of topographic mapping... Read more

United Kingdom
- Zonnebeke NGI Topo 28/3-4 - WWI Ypres Salient Battlefields
- Zonnebeke - Moorslede, map No. 28/3-4 in the topographic survey of Belgium at 1:20,000 covering the World War I battlefields area between Passendale / Passchendaele at the top edge of the map, Zonnebeke and Geluveld, including the site of the Tyne Cot cemetery.Although not specifically designed to highlight locations connected with WWI, the map... Read more
- Also available from:
- De Zwerver, Netherlands

- Wandelkaart - Topografische kaart 28/3-4 Topo25 Zonnebeke | NGI - Nationaal Geografisch Instituut
- Zeer gedetailleerde topografische kaart van een deel van Belgie. Deze kaart is bijzonder geschikt voor wandeltochten, bijvoorbeeld in het heuvelachtige gebied van de Ardennen. Wel moet u bedenken dat op deze kaarten wandelroutes als zodanig niet staan ingetekend. Voorzien van alle topografische details als hoogtelijnen, waterlopen, bosgebieden,... Read more

United Kingdom
- Maarle NGI Topo 03/5-6
- Topographical survey of Belgium at 1:20,000 from Nationaal Geografisch Instituut / Institut Géographique National, the country’s national survey organization. Each 20K map covers one quarter of the corresponding 1:50,000 map (with adjustments in the border and coastal areas). The maps provide all the information expected of topographic mapping... Read more
- Also available from:
- De Zwerver, Netherlands

United Kingdom
- Roeselare NGI Topo 20/7-8
- Topographical survey of Belgium at 1:20,000 from Nationaal Geografisch Instituut / Institut Géographique National, the country’s national survey organization. Each 20K map covers one quarter of the corresponding 1:50,000 map (with adjustments in the border and coastal areas). The maps provide all the information expected of topographic mapping... Read more
- Also available from:
- De Zwerver, Netherlands

- Wandelkaart - Topografische kaart 20/7-8 Topo25 Roeselare | NGI - Nationaal Geografisch Instituut
- Topographical survey of Belgium at 1:20,000 from Nationaal Geografisch Instituut / Institut Géographique National, the country’s national survey organization. Each 20K map covers one quarter of the corresponding 1:50,000 map (with adjustments in the border and coastal areas). The maps provide all the information expected of topographic mapping... Read more

United Kingdom
- Bouillon NGI Topo 67-70
- Topographical survey of Belgium at 1:50,000 from the country’s national survey organization, Nationaal Geografisch Instituut / Institut Géographique National. Contour interval varies according to the terrain, from 2.5 metres in the coastal areas to 10 metres in the Ardennes. The maps provide all the information expected of topographic mapping... Read more

United Kingdom
- Jurbise - Obourg
- Topographical survey of Belgium at 1:20,000 from Nationaal Geografisch Instituut / Institut Géographique National, the country’s national survey organization. Each 20K map covers one quarter of the corresponding 1:50,000 map (with adjustments in the border and coastal areas). The maps provide all the information expected of topographic mapping... Read more