

Belgium - by Henk Nouws This small kingdom has some surprisingly lovely landscapes. The Wallonian Ardennes region in the southeast is most famous among hikers, with its densely wooded river valleys and farm lands higher up on the undulating plateaus. In the northeast are the mysterious Hautes Fagnes, an upland plain of peat moors, partly in the Ardennes and partly in the Eifel region, and now a nature reserve that offers stunning beauty in all seasons. The north and west of Belgium, known as Flanders, is mostly low flat countryside, but nonetheless traversed by a myriad of long distance hiking trails, some of which lead through historic towns like Bruges and Ghent.

The majority of Belgian long distance hiking trails are  known as GR's, a conveniently bi-lingual abbreviation of Grande Randonnees (French) or Grote Routepaden (Dutch). European long distance trails E2, E3 and E9 all lead through Belgium, and coincide with GR's.

Along the GR's, small hotels, B&B's and camping sites can be found in almost every village or town. Walking Belgium is a fun experience, frequently taking you back in time to what appears to be some older version of Europe. The often somewhat ramshackle towns, quaint shops and cafe's, old-fashioned politeness, excellent food and beer, there is simply no hurry to modernize, just live for the moment.


Hiking map Belgium NW

Hiking map Belgium SE




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  • These are notes written by Egyptian travelers; travelers who have not reached their destinations yet These travelers believe that life is not measured by the number of years you live, but by the depth and value of the feelings and experiences that people go through. These travelers trotted through Germany, Canada, Belgium, America, Somalia,... Read more
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  • MN Europa El Balad
  • These are notes written by Egyptian travelers; travelers who have not reached their destinations yet These travelers believe that life is not measured by the number of years you live, but by the depth and value of the feelings and experiences that people go through. These travelers trotted through Germany, Canada, Belgium, America, Somalia,... Read more
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De Zwerver
De Zwerver
  • Wandelgids A Travers le Condroz GR 575- GR 576 | GR Sentiers
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De Zwerver
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  • 20 x logeren & genieten aan de belgische kust
  • Een originele kijk op een bekende dichtbij-bestemming. Met tientallen gevarieerde tips die je meteen zin geven om elk weekend naar de Belgische Kust te trekken.;;;Van De Panne tot Knokke en terug. 10 boeiende kustgemeentes, met elk een eigen identiteit, waar op elk moment van het jaar wat te beleven valt voor jong en oud. Sophie Allegaert... Read more
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  • Dagstappergids Vlaams Brabant
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  • Dagstappergids Vlaams Brabant
  • Wie graag wandelt heeft op zijn tocht ongetwijfeld al eens de rood-witte bewegwijzering van de Grote-Routepaden opgemerkt. De organisatie GROTE ROUTEPADEN VLAANDEREN beheert en bewegwijzert in Vlaanderen 3000 km wandelpaden en 1200 km fietsroutes. De Vlaamse GR-paden zijn op uniforme wijze aangeduid met de bekende wit-rode of wit-gele strepen.... Read more
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De Zwerver
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  • On Wet Foundations
  • A disused barge bought in Holland, a cargo hold converted in Belgium and a live aboard lifestyle discovered in France. The amusingly told story of how and why a British couple escaped from noise, traffic and junk mail and built their home and their dream on water. An embarrassingly mouthy parrot, a cat that wants to walk on water and an antique... Read more
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De Zwerver
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United Kingdom
  • Tongres NGI Topographic Map 34
  • Topographical survey of Belgium at 1:50,000 from the country’s national survey organization, Nationaal Geografisch Instituut / Institut Géographique National. Contour interval varies according to the terrain, from 2.5 metres in the coastal areas to 10 metres in the Ardennes. The maps provide all the information expected of topographic mapping... Read more
United Kingdom
  • Quievrain - Boussu
  • Topographical survey of Belgium at 1:20,000 from Nationaal Geografisch Instituut / Institut Géographique National, the country’s national survey organization. Each 20K map covers one quarter of the corresponding 1:50,000 map (with adjustments in the border and coastal areas). The maps provide all the information expected of topographic mapping... Read more
United Kingdom
  • Mol NGI Topo 17
  • Topographical survey of Belgium at 1:50,000 from the country’s national survey organization, Nationaal Geografisch Instituut / Institut Géographique National. Contour interval varies according to the terrain, from 2.5 metres in the coastal areas to 10 metres in the Ardennes. The maps provide all the information expected of topographic mapping... Read more
United Kingdom
  • Hamoir - Ferrieres
  • Topographical survey of Belgium at 1:20,000 from Nationaal Geografisch Instituut / Institut Géographique National, the country’s national survey organization. Each 20K map covers one quarter of the corresponding 1:50,000 map (with adjustments in the border and coastal areas). The maps provide all the information expected of topographic mapping... Read more
United Kingdom
  • Marche-en-Famenne NGI Topo 54
  • Topographical survey of Belgium at 1:50,000 from the country’s national survey organization, Nationaal Geografisch Instituut / Institut Géographique National. Contour interval varies according to the terrain, from 2.5 metres in the coastal areas to 10 metres in the Ardennes. The maps provide all the information expected of topographic mapping... Read more
United Kingdom
  • Vresse-sur-Semois
  • Topographical survey of Belgium at 1:20,000 from Nationaal Geografisch Instituut / Institut Géographique National, the country’s national survey organization. Each 20K map covers one quarter of the corresponding 1:50,000 map (with adjustments in the border and coastal areas). The maps provide all the information expected of topographic mapping... Read more
United Kingdom
  • Limerle - Lengeler
  • Topographical survey of Belgium at 1:20,000 from Nationaal Geografisch Instituut / Institut Géographique National, the country’s national survey organization. Each 20K map covers one quarter of the corresponding 1:50,000 map (with adjustments in the border and coastal areas). The maps provide all the information expected of topographic mapping... Read more
United Kingdom
  • Wavre NGI Topo 40
  • Topographical survey of Belgium at 1:50,000 from the country’s national survey organization, Nationaal Geografisch Instituut / Institut Géographique National. Contour interval varies according to the terrain, from 2.5 metres in the coastal areas to 10 metres in the Ardennes. The maps provide all the information expected of topographic mapping... Read more
United Kingdom
  • Dalhem - Herve
  • Topographical survey of Belgium at 1:20,000 from Nationaal Geografisch Instituut / Institut Géographique National, the country’s national survey organization. Each 20K map covers one quarter of the corresponding 1:50,000 map (with adjustments in the border and coastal areas). The maps provide all the information expected of topographic mapping... Read more
United Kingdom
  • Vilvoorde NGI Topo 23/7-8
  • Topographical survey of Belgium at 1:20,000 from Nationaal Geografisch Instituut / Institut Géographique National, the country’s national survey organization. Each 20K map covers one quarter of the corresponding 1:50,000 map (with adjustments in the border and coastal areas). The maps provide all the information expected of topographic mapping... Read more
United Kingdom
  • Mons NGI Topo 45 - WWI Battlefields
  • Mons, map No. 45 in the topographic survey of Belgium at 1:50,000 covering the area of the Battle of Mons, British Army’s first major engagement in World War I in August 1914. The Mons - Condé Canal runs across the middle of the map and coverage includes Obourg where Private John Parr became the first British soldier to be killed in the war.... Read more
United Kingdom
  • Mons - Givry
  • Topographical survey of Belgium at 1:20,000 from Nationaal Geografisch Instituut / Institut Géographique National, the country’s national survey organization. Each 20K map covers one quarter of the corresponding 1:50,000 map (with adjustments in the border and coastal areas). The maps provide all the information expected of topographic mapping... Read more
United Kingdom
  • Durbuy - Erezee
  • Topographical survey of Belgium at 1:20,000 from Nationaal Geografisch Instituut / Institut Géographique National, the country’s national survey organization. Each 20K map covers one quarter of the corresponding 1:50,000 map (with adjustments in the border and coastal areas). The maps provide all the information expected of topographic mapping... Read more
United Kingdom
  • Villers devant Orval
  • Topographical survey of Belgium at 1:20,000 from Nationaal Geografisch Instituut / Institut Géographique National, the country’s national survey organization. Each 20K map covers one quarter of the corresponding 1:50,000 map (with adjustments in the border and coastal areas). The maps provide all the information expected of topographic mapping... Read more
United Kingdom
  • Lier NGI Topo 16
  • Topographical survey of Belgium at 1:50,000 from the country’s national survey organization, Nationaal Geografisch Instituut / Institut Géographique National. Contour interval varies according to the terrain, from 2.5 metres in the coastal areas to 10 metres in the Ardennes. The maps provide all the information expected of topographic mapping... Read more
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