The small country of Israel borders on the Mediterranean in the west, Jordan in the east, Lebanon and Syria in the north, and Egypt to the south. The coastal plain along the Mediterranean is the most densely populated. Travel inland and you will encounter the Negev desert in the south, arid and often barren hilly regions in the center, and more mountainous regions as you travel north. The eastern border of Israel runs through the Jordan River Rift Valley, which is part of the 6500 km long Great Rift Valley extending all the way from northern Syria through East Africa to Mozambique.
Israel is home to several well-marked long distance hiking trails, of which the Israel National Trail is the longest, measuring almost 1000 km from north to south across the country. Another popular trail, and more of a pilgrimage, is the 130 km Jesus Trail through the region of Galilee.
Best seasons for walking in Israel are generally spring and late autumn, when the weather is fair and not too hot. Do always carry several liters of water each day. Camping along the way is popular, but you will need to carry all.
Guides and maps
Tour operators
- Israel Trail mit Herz
- 1000 Kilometer in 46 Tagen! Quer durch die W ste. Christian Seebauer beschlie t, sich dieser Herausforderung zu stellen. Das Experiment: Er will den Israel National Trail - kurz Israel Trail - laufen, ohne einen einzigen Cent auszugeben. Das Ziel: An seine k rperlichen und mentalen Grenzen zu gehen. Entschleunigen, sich Zeit nehmen. Nur mit... Read more
- Also available from:
-, Belgium
- Israel Trail mit Herz
- 1000 Kilometer in 46 Tagen! Quer durch die W ste. Christian Seebauer beschlie t, sich dieser Herausforderung zu stellen. Das Experiment: Er will den Israel National Trail - kurz Israel Trail - laufen, ohne einen einzigen Cent auszugeben. Das Ziel: An seine k rperlichen und mentalen Grenzen zu gehen. Entschleunigen, sich Zeit nehmen. Nur mit... Read more
- Yiddish
- Worldwide interest in Yiddish has often concentrated on its secular forms of expression: its literature, its theater, its journalism and its political-party associations. This all-encompassing study, covers these phenomena as well as investigating the demographic and political mushrooming of Yiddish-speaking Ultra-Orthodoxy, both in America and... Read more
- Also available from:
-, Belgium
- Yiddish
- Worldwide interest in Yiddish has often concentrated on its secular forms of expression: its literature, its theater, its journalism and its political-party associations. This all-encompassing study, covers these phenomena as well as investigating the demographic and political mushrooming of Yiddish-speaking Ultra-Orthodoxy, both in America and... Read more
- 111 Places in Tel Aviv The You Shouldn't Miss
- Tel Aviv is known for two things above all: its Bauhaus architecture and its nightlife. Both are wonderful, but represent only a small part of this many-faceted city. Often called the Big Orange, for many people this white city on the sea is a synonym for innovation and diversity, but in many ways it is astonishingly provincial, orderly and... Read more
- Also available from:
-, Belgium
- De Zwerver, Netherlands
- 111 Places in Tel Aviv The You Shouldn't Miss
- Tel Aviv is known for two things above all: its Bauhaus architecture and its nightlife. Both are wonderful, but represent only a small part of this many-faceted city. Often called the Big Orange, for many people this white city on the sea is a synonym for innovation and diversity, but in many ways it is astonishingly provincial, orderly and... Read more
- Reisgids 111 places in Tel Aviv That You Shouldn't Miss | Emons
- Tel Aviv is known for two things above all: its Bauhaus architecture and its nightlife. Both are wonderful, but represent only a small part of this many-faceted city. Often called the Big Orange, for many people this white city on the sea is a synonym for innovation and diversity, but in many ways it is astonishingly provincial, orderly and... Read more
- Wandelgids Israel | Rother Bergverlag
- Duitstalige wandelgidsvan Rhodos met zeer goed beschreven wandelingen in de wandelgebieden. Redelijk kaartmateriaal, vooral de beschrijving van de route en de praktische info die er bij hoort is goed. 160 Seiten mit 96 Farbabbildungen 41 Höhenprofile; 41 Wanderkärtchen im Maßstab 1:15.000 / 1:25.000 / 1:50.000, eine Übersichtskarte Israel – ein... Read more
- A Photo Album of the Philistine Adventures of David
- A Photo Album of the Philistine Adventure of David is a photo essay. It consists of an introduction and 12 Chapters. The text contain more than 100 Photo and art work; which are assembled in series. They portray a sort of word defying language of art. Each Chapter is preceded by an introduction and to cover an entirety of the 1st Biblical Book... Read more
- Also available from:
-, Belgium
- A Photo Album of the Philistine Adventures of David
- A Photo Album of the Philistine Adventure of David is a photo essay. It consists of an introduction and 12 Chapters. The text contain more than 100 Photo and art work; which are assembled in series. They portray a sort of word defying language of art. Each Chapter is preceded by an introduction and to cover an entirety of the 1st Biblical Book... Read more
- Reisgids Culture Smart! Israel | Kuperard
- De Cultuur Bewust!-gids geeft toeristen en zakenlieden belangrijke informatie met betrekking tot de cultuur van alledag in het land van bestemming. Anders dan in de gebruikelijke reisgidsen wordt de lezer in deze reeks bijgespijkerd op het gebied van omgangsvormen, normen en waarden, hoe zich te gedragen en wat verwacht mag worden op zakelijk... Read more
- Reisgids Jeruzalem | Odyssee Reisgidsen
- Israël en de Palestijnse gebieden vormen het snijpunt waar jodendom, christendom en de islam samenkomen en… met elkaar botsen. Duizenden jaren gemeenschappelijke geschiedenis leren ons dat. Profeten en aartsvaders, Abraham, David, Jezus en Mohammed zouden hier hebben rondgewandeld. Het brandpunt van dit alles vormt Jeruzalem. Voor velen is en... Read more
- Let's Go Israel
- Offering a comprehensive guide to economical travel in diverse regions of the world, these innovative new versions of the popular handbooks feature sidebars highlighting essential tips and facts, information on a wide range of itineraries, transportation options, off-the-beaten-path adventures, expanded lodging and dining options in every price... Read more
- Also available from:
-, Belgium
- Let's Go Israel
- Offering a comprehensive guide to economical travel in diverse regions of the world, these innovative new versions of the popular handbooks feature sidebars highlighting essential tips and facts, information on a wide range of itineraries, transportation options, off-the-beaten-path adventures, expanded lodging and dining options in every price... Read more
- Reisgids Merian live Israël | Deltas
- Handige en overzichtelijke, kleine reisgids voor een eerste kennismaking met het land. Voor- en achterin uitklapbare kaart. Aandacht voor o.a. taal, festivals en eten en drinken. Prettig formaat en toch met veel foto’s. Nederlands Read more
- The Black Christ 7 Unveil Volume 2
- This Prince Emmanuel Book is in Black And White.This book is about the incarnation of the Black Christ Prince Emanuel Charles Edwards. He had a difficult time in life from childhood to adult, yet he created the Ethiopia Africa Black International Congress Church of divine salvation. This congress was formed to land each and every nation under... Read more
- Also available from:
-, Belgium
- The Black Christ 7 Unveil Volume 2
- This Prince Emmanuel Book is in Black And White.This book is about the incarnation of the Black Christ Prince Emanuel Charles Edwards. He had a difficult time in life from childhood to adult, yet he created the Ethiopia Africa Black International Congress Church of divine salvation. This congress was formed to land each and every nation under... Read more
- Wegenkaart - landkaart Naher-Osten, Midden Oosten | Freytag & Berndt
- Carte routière du Moyen-Orient Read more
- Wegenkaart - landkaart Israel, Palestina, Heilige Land | Freytag & Berndt
- Heiliges Land - Israel - Palästina, Top 10 Tips, Autokarte 1:150.000 ab 10.9 EURO Top 10 Tips Sehenswürdigkeiten. Cityplan. Ortsregister Freytag & Berndt Autokarte. Neuauflage, Laufzeit bis 2019 Read more
- Wegenkaart - landkaart Tel Aviv - Jaffa en Centraal Israel | ITMB
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