Being the second largest country in the Middle East, Iran spreads out from the Caspian Sea in the north to the Gulf of Oman and the Persian Gulf in the south. Roughly half of Iran is mountainous, with rugged high mountain ranges in the west and north, keeping any rain out of the large plateaus and deserts in its central and eastern parts. As a result, most of eastern and southern Iran has a rather arid climate, with temperatures soaring in summer. The mountains and valleys towards the north and west get lower average temperatures and more rain (and snow).
Iran's highest mountain is volcanic Mount Damavand (5610 m), also highest peak in the Middle East, and quite a popular climbing destination. It is part of the Alborz mountain range which runs from west to east across the north of Iran, between the Caspian Sea in the north and the nearby capital of Tehran to the south. On weekends, many Irani from Tehran enjoy day hikes in the nearby Alborz mountains, for example to the Tangeh Savashi mountain pass.
Largest of Iran in terms of area is the Zagros mountain range, running 1500 km along the full length of the country's western border with Iraq and onwards along the Persian Gulf to the Straits of Hormuz. The range branches out towards the east as the massif of Hazaran towards Kerman. Its peaks rise up well over 4000 m.
An area in the northwest of Iran deserving special mention is the subtropical coastal strip along the Caspian Sea and the northern slopes of the Alborz mountains, which are covered in dense humid mixed forests. Particularly the county of Talesh, on the southwestern shores of the Caspian Sea, has lovely subtropical lowlands, forests and mountainous area's for hiking.
When hiking in the mountains of Iran, be prepared to carry tent and food. There are some huts on the slopes of Mount Damavand, but even there camping is common. Best time to hike in the high mountains is from July till September. Lower down spring and autumn are good too.
Guides and maps
Tour operators

- The Long Haul Pioneers
- It all started in 1964 when two friends gave up promising medical careers to embark upon a journey which few hardened truckers would have considered. In so doing, they were solely responsible for creating the first long haul overland route, across Europe and deep into the Middle East to Kabul. The men had started the 'Middle East Run' was to... Read more
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- The Long Haul Pioneers
- It all started in 1964 when two friends gave up promising medical careers to embark upon a journey which few hardened truckers would have considered. In so doing, they were solely responsible for creating the first long haul overland route, across Europe and deep into the Middle East to Kabul. The men had started the 'Middle East Run' was to... Read more

- Abenteuer Hippie Trail
- Sie geben in Deutschland alles auf, um sich ihren Traum zu erfüllen und zur Reise ihres Lebens aufzubrechen. Till und Amelie fahren mit ihrem 30 Jahre alten Mercedes Rundhauber, genannt „der Frosch", über den Landweg nach Indien und Nepal.Auf ihrer Fahrt tauchen sie immer weiter ab in fremde Kulturen. Nicht ohne Schwierigkeiten gelangen sie bis... Read more
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- Abenteuer Hippie Trail
- Sie geben in Deutschland alles auf, um sich ihren Traum zu erfüllen und zur Reise ihres Lebens aufzubrechen. Till und Amelie fahren mit ihrem 30 Jahre alten Mercedes Rundhauber, genannt „der Frosch", über den Landweg nach Indien und Nepal.Auf ihrer Fahrt tauchen sie immer weiter ab in fremde Kulturen. Nicht ohne Schwierigkeiten gelangen sie bis... Read more

- Mirrors of the Unseen
- In our current climate of war and suspicion, Iran is depicted as the ''next'' rogue nation that America and the world must ''deal with.'' But the rhetoric about nuclear weapons and jihad obscures the real Iran: an ancient nation and culture, both sophisticated and isolated, which still exists clandestinely in major cities as well as the... Read more
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- Mirrors of the Unseen
- In our current climate of war and suspicion, Iran is depicted as the ''next'' rogue nation that America and the world must ''deal with.'' But the rhetoric about nuclear weapons and jihad obscures the real Iran: an ancient nation and culture, both sophisticated and isolated, which still exists clandestinely in major cities as well as the... Read more

- Axis of Evil World Tour
- "Axis of Evil World Tour" goes beyond the superficial coverage found in much of the media to bring a boots-on-the-ground look at three of the most enigmatic, difficult-to-enter countries on the planet-Iran, Iraq, and North Korea. North Korea: Visit the tense yet quiet DMZ that divides North from South, one of the eeriest places on earth. Spend... Read more
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- Axis of Evil World Tour
- "Axis of Evil World Tour" goes beyond the superficial coverage found in much of the media to bring a boots-on-the-ground look at three of the most enigmatic, difficult-to-enter countries on the planet-Iran, Iraq, and North Korea. North Korea: Visit the tense yet quiet DMZ that divides North from South, one of the eeriest places on earth. Spend... Read more

- The Minaret of Djam
- The 12th century minaret of Djam is one of Afghanistan's most celebrated treasures, a magnificent symbol of the powerful Ghorid Empire that once stretched from Iran to India. The second tallest brick minaret in the world, Djam lies in the heart of central Afghanistan's wild Ghor Province. Surrounded by 2,000 metre-high mountains and by the... Read more
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- The Minaret of Djam
- The 12th century minaret of Djam is one of Afghanistan's most celebrated treasures, a magnificent symbol of the powerful Ghorid Empire that once stretched from Iran to India. The second tallest brick minaret in the world, Djam lies in the heart of central Afghanistan's wild Ghor Province. Surrounded by 2,000 metre-high mountains and by the... Read more

- Out Of Steppe
- Central Asia is the general name for the landmass between Iran, China, Siberia and Afghanistan. An area of enormous diversity both geographically and ethnically, it has been shaped by trade and commerce (the Silk Road) and by many invaders, including Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan and Stalin. Today the area is divided into five 'stans:... Read more
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- Out Of Steppe
- Central Asia is the general name for the landmass between Iran, China, Siberia and Afghanistan. An area of enormous diversity both geographically and ethnically, it has been shaped by trade and commerce (the Silk Road) and by many invaders, including Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan and Stalin. Today the area is divided into five 'stans:... Read more

- Iran
- Now into its fifth edition, Bradt's Iran continues to provide the most detailed background, history and cultural information available when visiting this 'Jewel of Central Asia'. This new edition has been thoroughly reviewed to provide all the latest information, from updated history and cultural developments to security, language and hotel... Read more
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- Iran
- Now into its fifth edition, Bradt's Iran continues to provide the most detailed background, history and cultural information available when visiting this 'Jewel of Central Asia'. This new edition has been thoroughly reviewed to provide all the latest information, from updated history and cultural developments to security, language and hotel... Read more

- The History of Antiquity Vol VI
- Extrait CHAPTER VI. THE FALL OF THE LYDIAN EMPIRE. After the fall of Nineveh, Media, Babylonia, and Lydia had continued to exist side by side in peace and friendship. The successful rebellion of Cyrus altered at one blow the state of Asia. He had not been contented with winning independence for the Persians; he had subjected Media to his power.... Read more
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- The History of Antiquity Vol VI
- Extrait CHAPTER VI. THE FALL OF THE LYDIAN EMPIRE. After the fall of Nineveh, Media, Babylonia, and Lydia had continued to exist side by side in peace and friendship. The successful rebellion of Cyrus altered at one blow the state of Asia. He had not been contented with winning independence for the Persians; he had subjected Media to his power.... Read more

- Reisgids Culture Smart! Iran | Kuperard
- De Culture Smart!-gids geeft toeristen en zakenlieden belangrijke informatie met betrekking tot de cultuur van alledag in het land van bestemming. Anders dan in de gebruikelijke reisgidsen wordt de lezer in deze reeks bijgespijkerd op het gebied van omgangsvormen, normen en waarden, hoe zich te gedragen en wat verwacht mag worden op zakelijk en... Read more

- Reisgids Kunstreiseführer Iran | Dumont
- Iran, etwa viereinhalb Mal so groß wie die Bundesrepublik Deutschland, ist seit der Antike ein Vielvölkerstaat mit zahlreichen Sprachen und unterschiedlichen Religionen, die in friedlicher Koexistenz nebeneinander bestehen. Dies und die zentrale Lage des Landes zwischen Kleinasien, Zentralasien, Indien und Arabien brachte eine Blüte der Kunst... Read more

- Misadventure in the Middle East
- When Henry Hemming set out in a pick-up truck called Yasmine to make a portrait of the Middle East, he had no idea what he would find or where he would be able to go - he wasn't even sure how he would earn enough money to stay on the road for a year. Henry Hemming's extraordinary journey takes him from the drug-fuelled ski-slopes of Iran via... Read more
- Also available from:
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- Misadventure in the Middle East
- When Henry Hemming set out in a pick-up truck called Yasmine to make a portrait of the Middle East, he had no idea what he would find or where he would be able to go - he wasn't even sure how he would earn enough money to stay on the road for a year. Henry Hemming's extraordinary journey takes him from the drug-fuelled ski-slopes of Iran via... Read more

United Kingdom
- Oman & The United Arab Emirates OUT OF PRINT
- Oman and the United Arab Emirates on a double-sided, indexed road map at 1:1,500,000 from Insight. This large map includes many places of interest and street plans of Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Doha, Muscat, Al Manama, Sur and Salalah.The network of main roads is displayed, with distinctions between main, secondary and minor roads. Markers indicate... Read more

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- Carte routière en couleur utile pour les voyageurs. Textes en anglais uniquement. Read more

- Wegenkaart - landkaart Iran | Nelles Verlag
- Nelles Map Iran 1 : 1 750 000 ab 9.9 EURO 1:1. 750. 000 reiß- und wasserfest, waterproof and tear-resistant, indéchirable et imperméable, irromp Nelles Map. Edition 2017 Read more

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- Wegenkaart - landkaart Iran | Freytag & Berndt
- Iran,Autokarte 1:1.500.000 ab 10.9 EURO Touristische Informationen, Citypläne, Ortsregister Freytag & Berndt Autokarte. Laufzeit bis 2013 Read more